Tuesday, October 14, 2008

International Outcry Over Videos Answered, Plus Email Shockwave about most popular dispatch ever (Free pickup boot camp)


The email I sent you Sunday morning, announcing your free online
pick-up boot camp tied to Season 2 of Mystery's VH1 show, the
Pick-up Artist, touched off a wave of excitement and hysteria.

It was by many measures including overall readership and video
views, our most popular dispatch ever.

For many, it was greeted as terrific news, and we've been
overwhelmed with messages of praise and thanks...

We've had hundreds of new folks pour in based solely on word of
mouth, in just the last couple of days since I sent off that email.

(By the way, if you want to share this Area51lifestyle training
with a friend, or invent a wing man, now's the best time there's
ever been, because of this free pick-up boot camp - to invite a
friend just send them to http://www.area51lifestyle.com and tell
them to sign up for an insider membership card like you did.)

...But we also got several dozen emails in from folks all over the
world who were confused, frustrated, and even flat out pissed.

You see, it turns out that because of some sort of programming
glitch, folks outside of the United States weren't able to view
episode 1 of season 2, which I sent to you in 5 parts.

Now folks can get the Pick-up artist season 2 on Itunes, but not
everyone has Itunes, and the show might not come out in Europe
for months...

We quickly realized that thousands of folks would fall behind if we
couldn't find a solution.

Don't freak out, there IS a Solution.

So we decided to stream those videos at our own expense to our
overseas members, and to send you the insider scoop on Episode 1 of
season 2 one more time.

Here the videos we're hosting for you:






Here is the U.S. Version of those videos (higher quality):






Warning: These videos are pretty rough - the sound is slightly off
on several of them - and we're not planning on keeping them up for
very long, so make sure to take advantage now if you want to see
the show.

Also realize that if you're in the U.S. you're way better off
watching using the links I've included below, and not just
because then I won't have to pay for you to watch;)

Now I've also included the original email I sent you Sunday, and
that's gives you the insider's perspective on the valuable material
provided by the show, and I'll get to that in a moment.

But first, here's just a small sampling of the emails that poured
in over the last 48 hours:

Public outcry

>>Dear Mike!

It has been a while since your last email but I am delighted to
hear from you again! :)

I am so thrilled to hear that season 2 of The Pick-up Artist is
started and even more to here that you are making notes, lessons
and analysis from this episode, and turning it into a personal
online pick-up boot camp! What a valuable idea!

With all this excitement I wanted to watch the first episode of
season 2, but to my amazement I found out that it is not possible
for me (and for all other members of the Area51Lifestyle outside
the U.S.) to watch these videos. The video start with the following
message: "Music videos are accessible in the U.S. only. Please
select another video or show!" followed by a random advertisement
where it ends

Is there any other way to watch this video? Or is there a solution
to this problem? I hope so because I am thrilled to watch this new

Waiting to hear from you.

Kind regards,



Hey Mike,

Thanks so much for the stuff you've put together over the last few
months, it's a lot of watching and a lot of learning to do...
alas I can't do much of it in the UK!

Your videos - specifically the ones from season 2 of PUA are locked
out to anyone not in the US... any chance you can get a local copy
set up on your servers or can you tell me when (of if) it's gonna
be on TV in the UK?


(In Scotland)


Hey Mike,

it's good to hear from you again, and man am I psyched about the
pick up artist 2! I was starting to get stale when it comes to
women, although, I did get laid at the end of this summer, but
that's another story lol. There is something I'm sort of wondering
about though, I was trying to watch the parts of the pickup artist
episodes, and I only got commercials, and after they were done
playing that was the end the the clip. Am I doing something wrong
or, what's the scoop?

Anyways, it's good to see you're back,



>>Hi, how you doing mike?

Happy to hear you are back from vacation , hope you had a good one.

My progress on the game is picking up slowly but surely.

Anyways the purpose of my email was i tried to watch the pua show
on the vh1 website but it wont play because I m not in states. Is
there any other alternative to that ?


>>Hi Mike,

How are you doing?

Bro, I'm very excited to see the season 2 (perhaps I don't like the
idea of the community to be more popular each day) but I can't see
the videos because they are only release to people that live in
U.S. (I live in Brasil)

thanks bro





I appreciate you guiding through the series, I had lots of fun
watching the first season.

However, your hosting of the first episode doesn't allow any
non-US-living person to watch it (I live in Germany). Is there
anywhere else I can watch it or do you know of any other solution
to this problem?

Thanks a lot,




Good to see your back.

On a side note tho...I'm from Europe so I cant view the vids...is
there any other place you can upload the vids to?



I got your email yesterday and I am trying to watch the new
episode. Part 3 does not play, it just goes to the end instantly.
Thought I would give you a heads up. Thanks for the free videos,
they are much appreciated.




You know I love you man. And Mystery, and all of this. I've had
some awesome experiences after getting into this jazz with you
folks. This has changed my life. And my bro's lives. I changed
careers because of this.

Those links are only bringing me Dove commercials man! WTF!

I love you anyways.




We cannot receive the first episode of pickup artist season 2

In France in Europe the video said it is only for north America

It is terrible



Dude, would love to watch the vids, but it seems we get blocked
here in the UK, with a message that music videos can only be seen
by those in the US.

Is there any way you can get around this?




Hello Mike,

I tried to watch these videos but obviously they are not accessible
for people outside USA. Can provide a hint how to circumvent this
stumbling block.

Thanks a lot,



Hi Mike,

Don't forget that you have a lot of pua outside of America and we
CAN NOT watch these episodes through the vh1 site...you have to
help us out with that problem!


Hey mike,


Cool stuff. just one request: the videos are available in the US
only. please modify it, so I can see it in Europe as well.

I appreciate, thanks



Hey guys,

Thanks for letting me know what was up. Because so many folks
wrote to us so quickly - this email would be about 30 pages if I
included all of the emails I got in - we were able to realize the
gravity of the situation.

The reason we're here is to help you, so it's your ideas, thanks
and support that make this Area51Lifestyle movement happen. This
is a rare 100% grass-roots situation, and all of our members
60,456 person community arrived through word-of-mouth.

(Translation: people helping people.)

So it was easy to feel motivated to find a solution.

Here are the video versions for non-us residents one more time:

Here the videos we're hosting for you:






And here is the U.S. Version of those videos (higher quality):






Now I'll be back soon with bonuses from episode 1, including MORE
in field video with Mystery and Matador, and then with your
episode 2 bootcamp, but first, here's your first bootcamp
lesson one more time.

Our most read and watched broadcast ever.

Ok, here's the email I sent you Sunday, which includes
your full bootcamp lesson from Episode 1 of Season 2:

(It was our most popular email ever in terms of readership and
number of folks watching videos.)

Hey Ricardo,

Season 2 of Mystery's VH1 show, "The Pick-up Artist," kicked off
last Sunday, and because it's so packed with value, I've decided
to provide you with an exclusive Insider's guide to this entire
season, turning the show into a free online pick-up boot camp,
starting today.

Here's the scoop:

I've been on break since August 27th, and to be quite frank, I had
planned on staying away longer. But when I saw the first episode
of season two of the Pick-up artist, and as I looked over the last
year-or-so of my life since the first season came out, and all of
the thousands of lives I've seen transformed, I couldn't help but
feel inspired.

So I sat down today and parsed the entire first episode for you,
breaking it down lesson by lesson. After all, the show is so
entertaining and fast paced, that it's easy for key details to
slide by unnoticed.

(Especially important in fast moving in-field situations, the
kind which this show is stuffed with.)

Episode 1 is included in this email, plus new training.

In this email you'll find the entire first episode on video, split
into five parts, including cold-approach, in-field pick-up with
Mystery and Matador. And I've broken every part down, so it's
easy for you to follow along and get the maximum value for your

I'll be here for the whole season to take you point out the key
points, and I'll parse every episode for your benefit.

(Plus I'll do what I always do, provide new techniques, videos,
advice and a sounding board for this 60,504 person community that's
given us this opportunity to share value. Oh yeah, and I've got at
least one big surprise that I've been working on for months, in
secret, on the way. Stay tuned.)

The bottom line here is that I'll be taking folks by the hand, and
leading them step-by-step, through what will amount to a free
online boot-camp over the next several weeks.

Share this free Online Pick-up Boot camp now.

In fact, if you've got friends that you want to introduce to the
world of Pick-up and high value relationships, there's never been
a better time then now.

All they have to do to join our growing Area51Lifestyle movement is
go to Area51Lifestyle.com and fill out an insider membership card
like you did, and I'll deliver each lesson to them at the same time
I send them along to you.


(Every day dozens of new folks show up through word of mouth.
That's because we're a totally grass roots movement.)

One more reminder before we dive into episode 1 of the show, Full
Act. Today episode 2 airs at 12 PM Eastern, 9 AM Pacific,
and then again at 9 PM Eastern, 6 Pacific and Again at 1 AM
Eastern, 10 PM Pacific - all times Eastern USA.

(Yes, VH1 is putting a MAJOR push behind the show this time
around, airing each episode it several times every week, but
only Area51Lifestyle insiders get the insider's guide that turns
the show into your personal online pick-up boot camp.)

Here's your Insider's guide to Episode 1 of season 2:

I think the most important information to carry into this first
episode, is that several of these guys are going to be studs when
it comes to pick-up, and it's going to happen fast.

I've seen thousands of other men, from young teenagers to "old men"
go from zero-to-sixty in their dating life in a hurry because of
Mystery's training. We're talking 40-year old virgins, never been
kissed types, "ugly guys," fat guys, skinny guys, wimpy guys, angry
guys, black guys, white guys, Indian guys, Asian guys, European
guys, Australian guys and even guys who used to be a total mess
when it comes to women.

(Plus many same sex oriented or bi-curious girls, and even women
looking to do better with men.)

Thousands of thank yous have poured in over the months - plus I've
seen the results of my own life, and the life of my friends, and
other folks that I've taken under my wing.

I'm not saying that every last one of these guys will be
transformed. But it is a real possibility that they all will be.

And several of them will flat out make a 100% difference in their
dating life forever - leaving nerd-dom behind for a life filled
with women and fun.

Here are some candid videos that I shot with some of the stars from
last year's first season of the Pick-up artist:






These videos let you catch a glimpse at what a difference just a
few weeks can make in the lives of guys who considered themselves
"below average" when it comes to women.

By the end of this first episode, you'll see big time improvement
in each of the new stars...

Part 1: Meet the new stars of Season 2 of the Pick-up Artist

Here's part 1 of Season 2 of the Pick-up Artist:


Here's the link for non-US residents:


Here are the new stars of Season 2:

>>Todd 26: You get to meet two girls who are just friends with
Todd, and they spell it out for you in plain English. Todd lives
his life in the friend zone. He ends up being the emotional outlet
for girls that he wishes he was dating. Telling quote: "I could be
30 and in the same situation."

>>Rian 28: Rian is a guy who's clearly hurting. He's a 28 year old
virgin who snuggles with toy at night, instead of the women he
dreams about but doesn't have a clue of how to approach. He's
locked into the frame of being a geek, and it's turned into a
prison for him.

>>Simeon 27: Here's a poem Simeon reads: "Love you are a bitch,
but I covet thee so, wishing you were mine." This guy begins the
show with a scraggly, awkward look and feelings of loneliness.

>>Carl 21: This curly headed self described nerd works at Radio
Shack, and though he plays the guitar, it's usually songs about the
the only girl I've ever been with, who was cheating on him openly
for the last 3-months of their relationship. Telling quote: "She
caved out my heart with a fork."

>>Matt 26: Matt is really insecure about his looks, cap tooth, and
hairy chest - to the point that it totally takes him out of the game.
Matt isn't really ugly, but his self image makes him act ugly,
and destroys his confidence.

>>Greg 26: The long haired Greg has a hippie look and a voice that
cracks around women. Telling quote: "Girls turn around and start
talking to their friends...I'm not a virgin, but the last time was
9 years ago - the first and last time."

>>Brian 21: This fun Asian 21 year old has never been kissed, and
gets so nervous around women he has to spell out words. He's a
great example of a guy with a big upside, if he can overcome his
sticking points.

>>Kevin 21: The self described "strike out king," feels that
Mystery is his "last resort," Telling quote: "No successes. None."

>>Alex 22: A heavy set janitor, who's flamboyant, but who says
"Women see me as gay. Never good. I'm virgin living at home."
Alex has confidence problems, but like the rest of the guys here,
he's got something to build off of, to make major strides.

Important Details:

Notice how, as a pack, the guys get scared, some stay in the back,
others creep up, then run back, like a little dog afraid of a big
dog when they meet women.

It's so easy to get locked into a group mentality where your whole
group gives off a creepy vibe. But all it takes to turn things
around 180 degrees is for one person to break away from the pack
and engage.

(Look for the difference in how Mystery and Matador operate in this
sense in part 3 of this guide, the in-field footage of them.)

Here's part 1, Episode 1 of Season 2 of the Pick-up Artist one more


Here's the link for non-US residents:


Part 2: The new stars of the show, in-field video

Here's part 2, Episode 1 of Season 2 of the Pick-up Artist:


Here's the link for non-US residents:


The thing to remember here is that these guys are definitely on
the spot - especially since they are being filmed doing the thing
in life that is most important to them, but that they are so
unskilled at: attracting the kinds of women they want to be with.

Heck, I've personally made every single mistake that these guys
make at one time or another. (And many of them several times -
without ever learning.)

That's because if you don't have a plan to follow, improvement is
very slow going. (If not impossible.)

Remember how, last year Kosmo, who ended up winning, wasn't even
able to approach a girl on his first outing, much less create

The good news is that it's all down hill once you're following the
right blueprint - and these guys will get that blueprint to follow.

Here are some notes from each star's in-field training:

>>Kevin, the "strike-out king" attacks his set like a torpedo,
rocketing in like a kid running a race, after taking several
minutes to work himself into a nervous wreck. But then he crashes
and burns when the girls quickly realize he has nothing to say.

>>Matt, who's insecure about his looks, freezes right in front of
his target for several long moments, then opens with: "What kind of
a drink was that," followed by "How much was it?" Not only
situational, but it implies that he's price shopping for a drink.
(Which actually could have been quite funny if he had turned it
into a joke - unfortunately he was serious.) But the real problem
comes in when he bails on the set for no reason, leaving the girl
feeling awkward.

>>Todd, the best friend, gets started alright, but fails to
maintain any long term interest - and certainly doesn't have the
goods right now to raise a girl's buying temperature and get her on
track for a sexual relationship. A good example of somebody who
feels ok about talking to girls, but doesn't get anywhere.

>>Greg, the guy who's voice cracks opens with the weather, hot in
Phoenix where the show was filmed, and then never leaves the topic
(That is until his target runs for cover.)

>>Brian, who's never been kissed, opens a 2-set (two women in this
case,) but he fails to address the obstacle, the girl he's not
interested in, and she blows him out. (It's easy to forget that
beautiful women usually don't go out alone, but their friends will
be happy to remind you...by taking away your target.)

>>Simeon, the bearded poet, approaches a high energy group with a
table...but he struggles when they quickly realize that he doesn't
have anything to add to the social mix. (The whole table freezes
him out - which is normal in a competitive setting like a club.)

>>Rian, the 28 year old virgin, really struggles. His hands are
awkwardly shoved in his pockets, and his stress levels were clearly
right around a 10 out of 10. He's not just uncomfortable, he's
clearly frantic with fear. He seems to need more work than anybody.

>>Karl manages to open a set at the bar next to him, despite his
fears, but the girl's friend, the obstacle, quickly judges him
worthless, saying to her friend: "Ok, why are you talking to him?"
Rather than reframing the situation, he sits there while the girls
disappear on him.

>>Alex, the janitor who lives with his mother, brings the bling
factor, trying to peacock with a big necklace...but when his
necklace actually attracts the attention of a woman, he totally
shuts down. The woman leaves, as does his energy, and he ends the
night looking like a sad, lonely man.

Here's part 2, Episode 1 of Season 2 of the Pick-up Artist again:


Here's the link for non-US residents:


Part 3: Brand New Mystery and Matador in-field video.

Here's part 3, Episode 1 of Season 2 of the Pick-up Artist:


Here's the link for non-US residents:


Even though every part of this episode contains valuable lessons
and context, this is clearly the most important and is well worth
bookmarking and watching several times over.

That's because you not only get to see many of the moves that
Mystery and Matador make, but you also get to see the progression
from when they walk into the club, until they are surrounded with
beautiful women.

You get to see a fast forward version of how Mystery and Matador
build value and practically take over the whole club. They engage
women and men, and they raise value with every chess move.

(So things start fast and then actually get easier and easier for
them as the night progresses.)

It's worth noting that Mystery strips down the advantage that his
avatar, or the way he physically appears to women, offers. He
takes off his hat, bracelets and big coat.

Some of the great material they shared:

>>Mystery to Matador as matador introduces some new girls: "Are
they cool?" Matador as he turns and walks away with very subtle
comic timing: "Eh, cool enough."(This is a temporary disqualifier,
or neg, that demonstrates to these girls that Mystery and Matador
are far from love-struck. It's a lightning fast take-away, and the
natural reaction is for a woman to become more interested.

>>Matador demonstrates raising a girl's buying temperature with
'Eskimo kisses.' (Matador is the man when it comes to getting rapid
results with girls, often kiss closing a dozen girls or more in a
night. (Not to mention other sorts of closes.)

>>Mystery to a girl's friend, who could have been an obstacle:
"Your friend and I like each other, are you cool with that?" This
is may seem bold, but it really builds sexuality and demonstrates
an attractive confidence. (Important keys to success that need to
be injected into every pick-up early.)

The new stars of the show watch their instructors from a surveillance
vehicle in total awe.

Todd says: "That was the best proof, they just went into the same
place I just came out of, and I was a total wreck...and they were
having so much fun."

Important notes: Mystery says at the end: "Did it look like we were
having fun? that's because it is. Picking up women is fun and easy."

You see, when pick-up feels hard and scary, it is. But when it's
exciting and fun...then it is. That's why Mystery and Matador put
themselves in the kind of emotional state, excited and fun, that
they want to carry the evening. Watch for their energy when you
watch and re-watch this fast paced in-field video.

Here's part 3, Episode 1 of Season 2 of the Pick-up Artist one more


Here's the link for non-US residents:


Part 4: Avatar transformation video, part 1.

Here's part 4, Episode 1 of Season 2 of the Pick-up Artist:


Here's the link for non-US residents:


These guys need to make big changes. They need to look and feel
different, and they need something to say.

This is the part that addresses their look, and their attitude.

Mystery begins this part, where the new stars create an all new
avatar and attitude, by asking a key question:

"Do you look like guys are sexually active?"

The new stars are trying to go from nerd to heart throb in one big

Here are some important details to watch for:

>>Mystery: "Accessories are sexual, there is no other reason to
wear them."

>>The guys who are most successful with this part of the process
are the ones who are trying on lots of clothes, but also dialed
into the feedback they get from Mystery, Matador and Tara. (We call
this trial and improvement mentality dinking and dunking, and
you'll notice that Rain struggles when he doesn't progress by
trying things on.)

>>Notice how many times Mystery says 'no' before he gives a 'yes.'
(I usually look at 10 items for every one that I try on, and I try
on at least 10 items for every 1 that I buy - a good rule of thumb,
especially when you're just getting started.)

>>Tight fitting clothing provides a big advantage that most guys
are missing out on.

An important note about chest and body hair: a lot of guys are so
self conscious about this. But I've got plenty of chest hair, and I
usually wear button down shirts, or shirts with a v-neck, and I do
just fine. In fact there's only one time I can remember chest hair
as a negative factor - while it's turned out to be a positive for
several girls.

(And the one time that the girl didn't like it, it ended up being
no big deal because she turned into a terrific female wing, or

Here's part 4, Episode 1 of Season 2 of the Pick-up Artist again:


Here's the link for non-US residents:


Part 5: New Avatars revealed, and Mystery's bombshell

Here's part 5, Episode 1 of Season 2 of the Pick-up Artist:


Here's the link for non-US residents:


In an episode stuffed with value, this is another gem. Here you
get to see the 'after' version of the stars - including big time
attitude shifts towards the positive across the board.

(This is a good example of what I was talking about earlier, where
I wouldn't be surprised to see every last one of these guys turn
their lives around 100% when it comes to women.)

Here's a breakdown of the stars' new avatars and attitude:

>>Simeon, the tortured poet: Clearly one of the big winners here,
Simeon has traded an unkempt beard for a soul patch that brings off
his smile. His attitude is infused with energy as he sports a
cool, tight fitted tee shirt, a trendy jacket, good shoes, and cool
jeans. A+.

>>Rion, the 28 year old virgin: Ok, Rion looks much better,
trading an 80s retro-nerd look in for a much more suave and put
together avatar. But he's trying to theme his look too much (this
is the same guy who thought he could look like a tango dancer and
that it would be a good idea.) An important lesson that Rion's
look brings up is that you have to remember to calibrate your look
to the kind of girl you want to attract. Grade C- (Still a massive
improvement from an F.)

>>Todd, the friend: Another good transformation. This is another
great example of fitted clothes, a button down with some cool stuff
on the shoulder, and in this case great jeans. Todd didn't have as
far to go as other guys, but he ends with a very solid B+ avatar
and attitude.

>>Kevin, the strike out king: Similar to Todd, Kevin goes from
awkward to cool. He sticks to dark, fitted, trendy clothes and
makes the most out of a skilled hair-stylist. B.

>>Alex, the heavy set janitor: I thought Alex could have gone
further, but he still looks night and day different. Now he's
sporting a tattoo patterned hoodie, and notice how even though
he's heavy-set, they've got him in tight stuff. This is the RIGHT
move. Whatever you leave to a woman's imagination, in the folds of
loose fitting clothes, practically instantly turns into fat in a
girl's mind's eye. Tight fitting clothing lets girls know what
they are getting, including a confident man. I was looking for more
confidence here. C+, but still a big time improvement. A better
attitude would have moved him up even further.

>>Brian, who's never been kissed: Another great transformation.
Tight fitted clothes, lots of great accessories including a
bandanna, showing off his chest with a cool v-neck, great jeans
tight white shoes (If you invest in one expensive item it should be
your shoes.) Good attitude walking in, but improves. B+.

>>Karl, the fuzzy headed Radio Shack geek: A big winner here. Karl
now feels much more like a rock star. He's traded a fuzzy mop for
a cool haircut that brings off his smile a lot better, white shirt
pattern on shirt. A good example of a guy who's balding who's
better off addressing his receding hairline directly, instead of
with unkempt hair. He looks like he's having fun. A-.

>>Matt, the guy who was insecure about his look: Now Matt decides
to close the gap in tooth and to shave his chest, but notice that
the shirt and jacket he wears makes even more of a difference.
Once again great jeans, and I like his necklace. His avatar and
attitude shows a lot of improvement, but a long way to go. B.

>>Greg, the voice cracked hippie: Even though Greg still has a
number of big leaps ahead of him, he's my biggest winner for this
part of the show. He cuts his greasy stringy long hair hair, and
walks in with a really cool jacket, tight fitting tattooed t-shirt
and boots, great jeans. He looks like a totally different person.
Two words, natural and authentic. Greg gets my only A+.

Here's part 5, Episode 1 of Season 2 of the Pick-up Artist once more:


Here's the link for non-US residents:


Ok, that's it for today.

Coming soon...

Coming soon, I'll be back with notes, lessons and analysis from
episode 2, as your free pick-up training boot-camp continues.

I'll also be delving into my inbox which is stuffed with questions,
ideas, thank yous and well-wishing built up from six weeks of

(Including the bouncing ball gambit and the Playboy Playmate of the
Year number close field report, both from our Area51Lifestyle

Talk Soon,

Mike Long

P.S. One of the biggest questions that I've seen as I scan through
my inbox right now is, where can I get even more training?

Listen, the Mystery's Magnum Opus, the Mind of Mystery home study
course, and Evil Dave's high-value relationship course, After Game
are still off the market...

...I plan to re-introduce them at some point before the new season

ends, but for now, they are still strictly off limits.

(That's because we provide lots of extra support for the special
needs of our new home study course owners, and we're just getting
back up to speed right now.)

But because of a technical glitch, a back-door link to order our
Project Hollywood Mystery home study course remained open while
I was gone on break for the last six weeks.

Several inventive and dedicated Area51Lifestyle insiders discovered
this back-door glitch, and used it to get the Project Hollywood
Formula home study course.

So to be fair, I've decided to make Project Hollywood available to
folks right now, including our full support package.

Here the deal:

>>The Project Hollywood Formula home study course is pulled from
the tapes of a sold-out $7,000 per person event involving the
Playboy Mansion last Summer. Mystery stuffed this event with
private, never before released routines, plus Mystery's grounding
sequence and demonstrations that you can't even find in
the Mind of Mystery. (Or anywhere else.)

This 10 DVD course also comes with a slot in our exclusive
Area51Lifestyle yahoo group. The purpose of this course is to
give anybody from beginner to expert a massive boost in their
game, fast.

Here's where you can lock in your Project Hollywood slot right now:


Here's a 24-page report about the details of Project Hollywood:


P.P.S. If you've got friends that you want to introduce to the
world of Pick-up and high value relationships, there's never been
a better time than today.

All they have to do to join our growing Area51Lifestyle movement
is go to Area51Lifestyle.com and fill out an insider membership
card like you did, and I'll deliver each lesson to them while
I send them along to you.


(Every day dozens of new folks show up through word of mouth.
That's because we're a totally grass roots movement.)

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